Success Stories

Vishal & Vicky Bairwa

Vishal is 15 years old and is a severe profound Hearing-Impaired student of class 8. The medical board has declared him 90% disabled. Vicky is profound Hearing-Impaired in class 7. They have a younger brother who is also Hearing Impaired. His sister is normal and older than them. Vicky & Vishal’s parents are daily wage laborers. The economic condition is poor.  Vishal & Vicky, both children during summer vacations or during puja holidays help out the parents by working odd jobs to help the family income.

Both of the children in spite of the economic condition come well dressed & groomed. They are good disciplined and hardworking students.  Vishal is a first-class student who secures 60% in his exams. His younger brother Vicky is good manages to secure 50 percent.

All teachers like these blue-eyed boys for his quietness and involvement in school activities. Vishal is a good sports person and takes an active interest in school games and projects. To help his father manage his meager income, both the students share a bicycle to come to school.