Success Stories

Budhi Prakash Meena

Budhi Prakash joined Darshan in March 2021. He is a bilateral severe to profound hearing loss child.He is also a hyperactive child who sits in class only if his father sits outside the class where the child can see him. He often goes out of the class to check if his father is waiting outside. Without the father’ s presence, the child becomes extremely upset and refuses to stay in class.

For many months, the teachers could not understand why the child was distraught and how they should comfort him. It was impossible to teach him.He was not interested in learning; he just used to sit in the class crying, staring into space or picking fights with other students. Then they adopted a playful attitude with him, trying to distract with games, puzzles and other learning aids. Eventually, they realised that he was comforted by his father’s presence. Since then, the father comes to the school daily to support his child while his wife toils on their farm, in addition to looking after her household responsibilities.

It was a surprise to the staff to see the child’s transformation. He is intelligent and sharp, able to concentrate on the task at hand. His resolve is to read and write like his friends in class.

For a farmer, nothing is more important than his crops. But for Gulab Chand Meena, his child’’ education comes first. He has made it his mission to have his child educated at Darshan. When asked why he sat outside the child’s class hour after hour and day after day, he said that his child’s life was being made through this education at Darshan, and he would do anything he could to ensure a happy future for him.